Engagement Documentary | Hampton Court Palace Wedding Photographer

I am really pleased to be able to share my first engagement documentary with you, featuring photography and video sequences of Craig and Karen at Hampton Court Palace. I have been wanting to do this for a while but, with an endless amount of recent photography commissions, it’s not been easy finding the time to learn the new skill of shooting video, sound recording and film editing. I have to admit, now that I have a very basic understanding, I am a bit hooked and can’t wait to get going on the next one. Each engagement documentary I do will form a short tribute to two people who are about to commit to sharing the rest of their lives together. It will document how couples feel about eachother and the approaching big day, combining short video sequences with photography from the engagement shoot to help tell a story that is unique to them. I can’t think of a better way, in years to come, for a couple to re-live this stage in their relationship.

From Craig & Karen by email this morning – “From what we have seen so far, brilliant Mat, absolutely brilliant!  Love the documentary, Karen cried and I had a lump in my throat.  Great choice of music and I liked the fact that the photos fade out and in to the changes of the music.  The ending is brill with Karen’s little laugh.  We love it! Photos are fantastic. Love your long range ones with the winding road and the black and white one on the entrance road with the tree in the background.  Also like the close up one of us on the wall.  The colours of my kilt are so clear. Can’t wait to see the rest!”

Craig & Karen Engagement Documentary from Mathew Quake Photography on Vimeo.

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Petersham Hotel Wedding Photography

Petersham Hotel Wedding Photography from London and Surrey Wedding Photographer Mat Quake. Rashmi and Mark’s wedding was held at The Petersham Hotel in Richmond Upon Thames, followed by a reception down in Putney at The Star & Garter. I met them both at their home a few months before and really enjoyed their company, so I was really pleased when they confirmed their booking. The beginning of the photography schedule started with some shots of Mark and his groomsmen at the top of Richmond Hill, followed by a few photographs of the girls during the final stages of them getting ready, before a mad dash down the hill to The Petersham Hotel to capture the service. Richmond Hill is really sentimental to both Mark and Rashmi, so once the guests had boarded the bus to Putney, we went back up to the top of the hill and did some beautiful photographs of them both which I am really proud of. There are some lovely candid moments captured during the wedding breakfast and speeches. I think this blog is a good reflection of my most recent work, which focuses on a blend of softly directed creative imagery and candid photojournalism. Enjoy the post.



Richmond Wedding Photographer | The Petersham Hotel Wedding Photographer

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Mandarin Oriental Wedding Photography | London Wedding Photographer

Mandarin Oriental Wedding Photography by  London Wedding Photographer Mat Quake. Simon and Carmen booked me to document their wedding at the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge on November 19th.  We met a few times before the wedding and had therefore developed quite a close relationship. Getting to know my wedding clients really helps the wedding photography feel more special and personable on the day. If you want to have a look at their engagement shoot, which we did a week before their big day then please click here.  The hotel is located between Knightsbridge and the outskirts of Hyde Park. The interior presents stunning backdrops for photography, around every corner and whilst we took advantage of this, we also ensured that we had ample time for photography outside the hotel, at the royal entrance to the famous ballroom and the park itself. I have packed this blog entry with a host of shots so that you get a better feel than some of my previous blogs as to the range of images taken on the day. Finally, a big thank you to the support we had from wedding and events manager Kelly Hunt on the day.

Mandarin Oriental Wedding Photographer | London Wedding Photographer

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Simon & Carmen Engagement Photoshoot | London Wedding Photographer

I spent a lovely morning with Carmen and Simon today at Canary Wharf in London, taking a number of pre-wedding photographs before the big day this Saturday at the Mandarin Oriental in Knightsbridge. I hadn’t met Simon before so it was nice to enjoy a coffee with him before we started shooting. I don’t think we could have got more out of today, because we did a number of different locations, poses and experimented with a range of lighting conditions. The last couple of shots were taken at Gaucho Grill, thanks to the manager there for allowing us to pop in and take a couple of snaps, it’s where Carmen and Simon had their first date so a fitting end to our photo session together. I am really looking forward to the big day on Sunday. BTW, I’m experimenting a bit with the white borders and think the slightly thicker approach works really well (please let me know if not!)

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Dartmouth House Wedding Photography | London Wedding Photographer

Dartmouth House Wedding Photography by London Wedding Photographer Mat Quake, featuring some image highlights from Rob and Eugina’s wedding. ! I was recommended to Rob & Eugina by friends of theirs who’s wedding I had photographed. I am really pleased that the introduction was made because I thoroughly enjoyed working with them both. The day started in the Hotel next door, where I met Eugina and the girls getting ready and took a series of candid photographs before meeting Rob and his groomsmen for a couple of stylish snaps. Dartmouth House is a beautiful venue, with a grand staircase and traditional, victorian era rooms. We made good use of the interior with a range of natural and softly directed shots of them both, not to mention the street outside, with all its glorious town houses. I must say thank you to Katie, my assistant, who was on board for her first wedding shoot and was an enormous help. Enjoy a snapshot of their day…


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