My first visit to the Harbour Hotel in Richmond became the setting for Leanne and Chris’ summer wedding. I was really looking forward to capturing their day. When we met at the venue prior to the wedding it was clear they had a really lovely connection and I couldn’t wait to capture it on camera. It’s always nice to capture a wedding at a new venue. It feels like an open canvas from which to explore and bring to life. What I love about the Harbour Hotel Richmond is that there are lots of interesting, little spaces to photograph in, which is fab if the weather is poor. Luckily, the sun was shining and in the evening we made the short walk over to the terrace on top of Richmond Hill for some more bride and groom photographs, which have come out beautifully. Wishing Leanne and Chris a wonderful future together, it was a real pleasure to capture their day. Here is a little sneak peek at their highlights.